
I witness Mama's depression over her stroke, the difficulty to express the words she wanted to say, must be very hard for her to take. Knowing Mama, she used to be very very talkative person. She likes to talk, to tell stories and to ask questions. My cousin doesn't mind to pay her phone bills. Because by that way, Mama is happy. Since the stroke, I could only see her depress face but pretend to be OK with it.

I was wondering.......

What if one part of my body will be taken away, which of it will cause me as depress as Mama..

My eyes definitely.
Not to be able to see the beautiful world again, to witness how my sweet nieces and nephews grow, not able to see my loves one again, to see all the sweet moments, will really hurt me. Grievously hurt.

Hence, i treasure my eyes and my eyesight. I want to see every single thing.

How am i going to capture those moments with my camera without my eyes?!

How about you?


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