Job list

Job list

1) Transfer letter sent = check! (FYI, applying back to Kuching)
Interesting conversation that I had with my mom a day before I handed in my transfer letter. We first talked about the decision for our family holidays, where to go, when to go da di da di da. Then talked about Jenny's new kittens. Then, she started it, "So, macam mane ko? balik kuching ke balik sini?" I gave her the pros and the cons. But of course I try to pujuk her to letting me stay in Kuching, at least for another few years. Tak lama pun. Antara the points for senang dapat cuti raya, and Air Asia flight ada every hour and good for career wise. Terdengar suara babah dari belakang rooting for me to stay in Kuching. At last, she said, "up to you, ok gak Kuching tu. Ibu tak kesah". Tu dia pengorbanan ibu. Demi kebahagiaan anak perempuan tunggal yang degil, she has to agree and ni bukan yang pertama kali.

2) Book Air Asia X to Beijing 2012 = Check!
At last, made the decision, our first family trip oversea. Beijing, here we come. Lega dah habiskan credit point tu and anticipating the day to come. I wish I can angkut semua orang g Jepun tapi fulus tak mengizinkan. Sigh. But one fine day. So ke Jepun tu terpakse ditunda ke sekian kalinya (tak sampai hati nak pergi sendiri if tak bawak the boys. Fun will not be fun if it is not shared). Dengan ini, ada motivasi untuk bekerja lebih rajin.

3) MRCS = Not Check.
Terasa diri belum cukup ready. Sigh. Entah bile la nak ready. Kengkadang terasa diri ini ada memori seperti ikan emas. 10kali baca pun tak ingat. Susah. tambah lagi dengan cuaca yang panas ni, lagi mempercepatkan pembebasan ilmu secara pengewapan. Haha. Oops. tak baik salahkan cuaca. Ni salahku. Susah2, tunggu je la Master program. Kenapa aku tak ada power. Mungkin tak cukup will untuk jadikan Willpower.

4)DVD Collection - in progress
FRIENDS DVD box dah complete. sekarang nak beli OnePiece anime plak. tak main a download sebab pertama; nak download kat kapit? mimpi la. Siput pun leh lari laju daripada line tenet kat sini. kedua; for something this good, we must support 100%. Pastu House Md, pastu Simpsons (letih tu 22seasons. mati). and the rest to follow slowly.

5) Training with Richard - in progress
So far so good. We do have create some sparks between us. I begin to understand more about him and we seem to be getting along so well so far. When we change into zoom macro lens tu ada problem sikit. Need more practice. And need more stable tripod. Dah ok, baru ushar lens baru!! (aim for F2.8 )

6) Training with Hiroshi - in progress
Dapat main 2 lagu stakat ni; Goodbye Days from Yui and Kiss me from sixpence none the richer. It still not perfect tapi fun. Dah kenal the major chords but still need to practice more. Gambatte!!


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