

Japanese seniors volunteer for Fukushima nuclear plant.

I know there have been lots of helps from all over the country and world in the form of charity concerts, events, donations and etc but this will the most practical and insane idea so far. Insane but heroic!

I know Japan is still recuperating, physically, mentally, emotionally and especially when their nuclear plant in Fukushima was badly affected. It was a big headache for sure.

But after reading this article, I was totally amazed with their actions, totally respectful, and it gives me a new perception of life and people, and this is so pure and sweet and that is so suicidal and that is so going to make me tears. Oops, there goes the tears. Crocodile tears.

Especially after reading these statements

1) "We have to work instead of them," says Yamada, referring to the estimated 1,000 workers currently at the nuclear plant. "Elders have less sensitivity to radiation. Therefore, we have to work."

2) "My generation, the old generation, promoted the nuclear plants. If we don't take responsibility, who will?"

3) "When we were younger, we never thought of death. But death becomes familiar as we get older.

4) "We have a feeling that death is waiting for us. This doesn't mean I want to die. But we become less afraid of death, as we get older."

I am totally amaze with the mentality that they have and I myself would have never thought such a similar way to really serve my country.

If I am at their place, I imagine myself in my couch with TV's remote on my hand, my precious cat on my lap and box of donuts next to me, watching any charity concerts on TV while wearing my "Save Japan" button badge. Sigh.

For that heroic attitude sir, I salute you!!!


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