One of the day


Last night. I watched FRIENDS. Yes the sitcom.
There are only few reasons why i watch the sitcom.
Whenever i feel bored.
Or if i want to revise (yes about the details in that sitcom)
Or I have a really really bad day and i need something that can make me happy.

So yesterday, I was not bored. How can i be bored since i was tooooo busy in the hospital.
I don't need to revise since i was not doing the FRIENDS quiz for quite some time now.

Then it was for the reason number 3.
It was soooo bad that involved PAEDIATRIC MORTALITY.
hmmm....i guess that summarized everything isn't it.
Its another 1 month from now for the mortality review.
I'll be doomed.
As usual, i may look cool about it.
But i am depress.
Especially it involves a couple who have no child and that was their only adopted child.
I could still remember the loud tears of the mother. She must be very devastating.
It was very unlucky for that child that day. For any ill patient who came to Hospital that day i would say.

May you rest in peace little one.
Sorry for your lost. Truly deeply sorry.
Please forgive me.


Valjam Boyd said…
apa kes beb?

aku br je present for paed mortality meeting...mine dasat lg..ada 3 cases..

so, chill..if u've done ur best, u shud be ok..after all, nyawa tu di tgn Tuhan, and takdir tak bole diubah..buatla seperfek mana pun, kematian tu pasti berlaku..

take care

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