just a ride

tough dude. it was tough. this whole week has been the most unluckiest and the most depressing moments i've ever have in my whole life. so depressing that i have to take an EL today. my first ever EL. i'm glad i did it. i don't really care about the consequences for now.

1)first, my rushie went down the drain. yes. shocking!!!. it was 5 in the morning. i never realized that there was a drain in front of the house until last monday. it was a disaster. and i was oncall on that day. they have this stupid rules that those oncall housemen need to take blood very very early in the morning. so i was panic. thank God to Minah gitar karat who was oncall the day before for helping me with the blood. (nanti aku belanje makan, hehe.) i already considered late to work and bam, both rushies' front tires in the drain. but i must say Toyota's service is so great. i called the service center and in minutes they sent me a tow truck, tell me the procedure so that i can claimed my insurance and everything. they are nice people. and very helpful. but the police really get into my nerves. everything will be smooth sailing if it is not for the long waiting at the police station. damn. huh. but FYI, rushie is now at the Toyota service center resting well until he gets better. rest well baby.

IT WAS DARK!!. and who would have thought there will be a drain that size in front of the house. I am pretty sure i was not drunk. was I?

Damn you drain and you reckless driver.

the damage.

2) i had a presentation yesterday with Dr Sim-it-right. yes i heard she is quite scary. no one dare to mess up with her. she yells and scold people like a rap, a rhyme.so, i was told, wrongly of course i have to present about an approach to BLood transfusion. not that i know until the day of presentation!!. or to be exact, when Dr Slim-it-right yelled at me, "it was suppose to be an approach to BLEEDING DISORDER!!!". yes, i just made the lion raw. then i screwed. my 2nd flaws in a week. bravo to me. but at least, she then presented it herself. haha. and i have let down Dr C for it. ah, i feel bad

3)my first flaw; i had just caused a child to be a future CP and stupid for my ignorance. i can give thousands excuses to prove that i'm innocent but again who would trust my words now. no black and white. and i will live in fear for another 25 years before the child decided to sue me. i wish i can tell more but i think i should make it as a top classified information. hmm. my ass just get scratched for that.

4) i've been having cough and runny nose for almost a week now. and today it getting worse. maybe the effect of the actifed Farid gave me yesterday. my head ached so bad but i caused me so bravely to have an EL today (Emergency leave). i only got sick twice so far. once in O&G and now in paed. pretty obvious it happened in the postings i hate the most.

5) worst news ever. Sally just delivered 2 cute kittens which one of them died. sad. i heard the story from Ibu. Sally got her contraction pain very early in the morning. Ajat noted that first (wow he really can be a midwife. you go brother). she started to act weird, that's what ibu said. first she delivered this orange coloured kitten. Ibu said it was quite a big size but she had difficulty in delivering the head. FYI it was breech. so it stuck there for quite some time. Ajat and Ibu had tried to massage the belly (but not the fundal pressure though. hehe) and it somehow get through. but to bad, she/ he couldn't make it. i probably cried my heart out if i was at the scene. i probably called for a Caesarean section stat! i don't want to loose my baby dude.
but the second kitten made it. it was a white colored kitten. so Sally, congratulation. Shaggy's kitten has a new friend now. oh yeah, the 3 kittens, the one that i've told you last time. Tom, Jerry and the 3rd one is Princess. yeah i know. she is so cute as Princess. hmm. now we have problem in naming the 4th kitten now. hmm. wahhh..i can't wait to go back now. lots and lots of kitten waiting.

from left: Princess, Jerry and Tom

so, there goes me for the whole week. come on. it just a ride. like Jem said. sometimes you up, sometimes you're down. it just a ride.

P/S: i just finished catching up reading onepiece manga and bleach. Kudo for me for this week.


amn yohoho said…
bleach manga cool vizard mask awesome!!!!!!!!!!
i knowwww!!!>...kakkoi desune?????,,,,,
i can't wait for them to fight...
beberd yohohoho said…
have u figure out sally female kitten name yet????yohohohohohoho
Valjam Boyd said…
blanja kn...blanja mkn....blanja mkn.........

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