dating scan

having trouble in making decision whether to date or not to date someone that asked you out? maybe i can you help. i received this trough my email few days ago. it is interesting to find the questions asked that lead to your decision. example. most people may think that once you date, you are going to end up with sex. hence the first question is very important. huh. since when dating is equal to sex? I must be aging then.

i've tried this. i end up out dating if only the guy is paying!!!..yes i am stingy. and i can't tolerate smoker because they are stupid, those who eat human meat and gay. thanks huh.


zarina hmg said…
DR., klau 'dating scan' tak bleh pakai, cuba try test plak 'dating ultra-sound'... heh...heh...heh.... ade ker????
yohoman said…
did someone ask you out yet ?????????yohohohohoho
saber blade said…
one piece war have started yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
kak ina...
MRI pun bleh. CT scan pun bleh...MRCP bleh..semua bleh a...

ouch...that was hurt...

saber blade...
i know!!!!...isn't that cool...adrenaline rush starto!!!

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