RAYA attack 2010!!!!!!!!!!


Seperti raya sebelum ni, duit dalam akaun aku akan turun mendadak. Disebabkan these evil minions. Few things too highlight about this raya. Actually lots of things.

1) cuti seminggu mmg tak berbaloi. one whole day dah habis utk travel SAHAJA. 3hours dlm boat. 45minutes dalam taxi and 2hours 15min dlm plane. pastu 1hour dlm kete. sampai2 dah penat. hai. lain kali balik kene mintak lebih sket. tapi still bersyukur. tak seperti mereka yang lain yang kerje di waktu raya terutamanya yg kat semenanjung. huhu. sape suh tak keje kat sabah sarawak.

2) Beraya di rumah baru!!!...a bit weird in the beginning. sebab dah 25 tahun kat rumah lama, bile dah buat rumah baru, rasa lain sket. not feeling homie YET. Suke rumah baru. tapi merindui rumah lama. I miss the squeaking sounds of the floor once you step on it. the smell of the wooden walls. every little memories in it.

3) Mama has improved a lot...she can walk now with few steps and her words make more sense...congratz mama..keep it up..

4)for the first time, all my cousins dpt duit raya. Sebab since aku tak dapat belikan any souvenior for them, so bagi la duit raya. It was easier actually. haha

5) I miss my nieces and nephews. wahhhhh....semua dah makin membesar. I still remember how naughty Nelly was when she was younger. haha. Now, dah sama tinggi dengan aku. Haih..ada new comers. Ramai. Especially from Babah's side. Another 1-2years, confirm aku tak kenal anak buah.. ramai sangat...kene buat list ni...

6) Raya at both sides not that meriah like before. Paling terasa at Babah's side. Since Uwan and Atuk dah takde, Tuk long Agam pun takde. Takde as in rest in peace. Hence, raya pun tak semeriah dulu. Anak sedara makin membesar dan bertambah. makin la aku tak kenal sedara. But one thing i kagum and always adore about Babah's side family. Their Unity. Dorang tak penah cakap buruk antara satu sama lain. Help others in need without questions. Yup, even though ramai gurls in the family either kawin lambat or tak kawin lagi till now, who cares, live life to the fullest.

7) Sempat buat tart nenas. Siap buat contest tu. I purposely put an almond in one of the cookies. Sape dapat cari akan dapat RM10 from me. Turn out that aku sendiri yg dapat!!..haha..tak boleh tak puas hati. Keputusan hakim adalah adil dan muktamad.

8) Akhirnya dapat main bunga api raya tahun ni. Kelakar dengar cerita anak buah cuba bakar meja. hai. bertuah punye anak buah. Tapi bunga api best!!!...

Kan best if everyday is a holiday...


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