movie review - tada kimi wo aishiteru
tada kimi wo aishiteru bermaksud just loving you...
this movie is based on Ichikawa's novel romantic..
but before you all jump into a false conclusion. let me tell you the reasons why you should watch this movie
1) you are a die-hard-fan (kipas-susah-mati) of hiroshi tamaki also starred in nodame cantabile (the one with the stick..what was it again??..ahh..the orchestra conductor)
2) you are a die-hard-fan of miss cute aoi miyazaki also starred in NaNa the movie(the cute Nana..not the rock singer)
3) you loveeeeee photography very much.
4) if your soul needs a movie with nice shots and beautiful pictures
and last but not least..
5) if you want a romantic movie which you can cry your heart out
6) and to kill time..
if you fulfill at least 4 out of 6 reasons above then yes you should watch this movie...but i only had 3 out of 6..but...ahhh..whatever..
so as usual i will cut some extract from wiki/crunchyroll for you to know about this goes
Due to his inferiority complex, Makoto (hiroshi tamaki) shies away from other people, but Shizuru (aoi miyazaki) manages to make him open up to her. Because of their friendship, Shizuru takes interest in photography and they often go to a forest, partially hidden from the public, to take photos. (seriously, the forest was sooooooo beautiful..they have lots of nice shots too)
Shizuru wants nothing but to be at Makoto's side. When Makoto starts liking a college friend Miyuki, Shizuru decides that she too will like Miyuki and becomes her friend.
One day, Makoto asks Shizuru what birthday present she would like. With her interest in a photography contest, Shizuru wants a photo of them kissing in the hidden forest.
Since that day of the forest kiss Shizuru disappears from Makoto's life.
the rest of the story, please watch it if you have time..i don't want to put spoiler here.
i think....
the scenes were so beautiful..the contras and the brightness...they made the pictures marvellously beautiful..i don't really pay attention on the story line and the content..i mean..who cares if they really kiss or was not my problem and not a bit affected me at all..but the pictures.. i was bedazzled by the beauty of the forest and also the pictures they took together..ahh..i wish i have SLR camera now...i want to take pictures!!!...
even though i only have my olympus digital cam for my birthday present last year, i do enjoy using here are some of the shots i took and i edited...please leave your comment and i do hope you will like them...onegaishimasu!!..