dreams come true!!

okla, lets make this post simple.


KP pun...

tetibe je. memang it is something that we planned long time ago. but it is not a really well prepared plan. mentally and "cash"ly pun tak well prepared. tapi tadi kp just cakap," jom usha camera". and da di da di da....we ended up dah bayar deposit pun...ahhh tak sabar nak dapat..hopefully this week...let's start photographing.. then you guys will expect a lot of pictures from me...

pun jua hari ni kitorang cari rumah...ada 4 rumah kitorang survey tadi

rumah A
points for - comel, dekat ngan hospital, full furniture, well kept, a bit smaller compared to the current one. all rooms air-conditioned. harga pun ok je.
points again - parking lot kecik (tak muat 3 kete, rushy nak letak mane?), takde TV

rumah B
all are points against - berselerak, tak cukup perabot, tak homely. besar jugak a.

rumah C
rumah yang previously diduduki oleh student UNIMAS, tau2 je la kalau student dah duduk. 5 rooms. quite spacious jugak. tapi tak berapa nak interested jugak.

rumah D
a bungalow. not that a big bungalow pun. kinda like an old style rumah. ada pokok rambutan kat belakang rumah (yang kak pah giler2 kan.. nak letak buai la konon...pastu leh nyanyi, laju laju buaiku laju), furniture tak lengkap tapi kawasan rumah tu ammmmat besar. A+ untuk halaman yang luas. juga homely.

the verdict?..tak sure lagi..skang tengah looking for the 4th housemate. sape nak?


Valjam Boyd said…
ajak la shrek dok skali...
zarina hmg said…
wah...bestnye dah ada camera baru... nanti bleh tepek gambar byk2 skit kat blog nie.... heh...heh..heh..
bax said…
hey hey...hello apa khabar?? i am ur junior baru ke habis course..seadng tunggu induksi..mungkin posted kat kuching..hehe..maybe kelak boleh berjumpa sambil berkenalan...ANYWAYS..enjoy reading ur blog...:P
Anonymous said…
yehaa...yehaa...lumix merah..here i come!

~cik pah~

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