laju dan garang

kenape saye kene tengok cerita ini?

ketama: PAUL WALKER!!!!..drooollssss
kedua: PAUL WALKER!!!!!....fitttt...status epilepticus
ketiga: carssss....Nissan skyline!!!!....rideeeee

Paul walker is the definition of a man. hot and sexy. you dare to deny me then you are a fool.

fast and furious the franchise always keep my adrenaline rush as fast as the cars in the movies. yes i do admit that i watch the movie 90% is because of paulie is in it. can't resist a fine man like him though. but they are good movies.

i seriously don't know. they said it is supposed to be a prequel?. but it seems like a story to tell the audiences what happened between the transition from the fast and the furious to 2fast 2furious. somehow it makes a fine storyline for me. the exact incidence of why Brian O'connor is no longer a cop. how Hanz (ahhhh, the ever coolest Hanz) and Dom Toretto (do that willy again please) knows each other and what happened to Dom after Brian "accidently" let him go. and how that naughty Brian and skinny lady progress (i knew it, their loves don't last). like other fast and furious movies, they have the tendency and craze to make a reallly fine and awesome cars and destroy them in a second. (next time just give them to me. sedekah tu kan baik)

pepehal pun, i DO ENJOY it. if the rate is according to stars and 5 stars as the best, then i'll give Honeystars, the biggest stars in galaxy?...

Paulie did a very good job at the 4th movie. the acting getting better.hope to see more from him soon.

kakpah thinks he does look cute in the suit. really?

ok la, he does look like a kind of guy that gonna say
"Honey, i'm off to work, luv ya"

but the truth is i like him more in shirts and jeans. look nice and simple and honest.

this one looks like he gonna say
" hye babe. wanna ride?"

or probably this is the best outfit that he should have.

DROOLSS. and he say
" oops, sorry darling, i think i misplaced my shirt somewhere in the bedroom"

ngeh ngeh ngeh..tengok la cerita ni. best. tak rugi..
jiwa kelajuan..


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