canon rock

this is the best version of canon rock i've ever heard. i've heard from JerryC, Mattrach (maybe new canon rock by MattRach also not that bad)..i think this cute guy is the best. the fingers are so smooth and beautiful!!!!...

tell you what. youtube is addictive. you can't get enough of it everyday.


Valjam Boyd said…
jerry c's stil d best :P
jerryC yg original...tak kire, mamat jambu ni jugak yg best....ko buat satu camni...pastu perform kat pasar satok...laku seh...
Valjam Boyd said…
hahah..tak rock ah person kat satok..

perform masa friday's CME lagi cool..

kasik dr ong ngan suzet mengamuk..caya la...
wahaha...penuh a dewan kalau camtu...first time seme HO dtg CME..kedatangan 100%..pastu persembahan khas dari Dr Ong and Dr Tan.. duet tuh..lagi kelas...
Anonymous said…
aku suka version funtwo for Canon D

wah.. kalo korang dua2 perform alangkah bestnnyer!!!!!!

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