ketawa baik untuk kesihatan

story 1

A doctor of psychology was doing his normal morning rounds when he entered a patient's room. He found Patient 1 sitting on the floor, pretending to saw a piece of wood in half. Patient 2 was hanging from the ceiling, by his feet.

The doctor asked Patient 1 what he was doing. The patient replied,

"Can't you see I'm sawing this piece of wood in half!?"

The doctor asked Patient 1 what Patient 2 was doing on the ceiling. Patient 1 replied,

"Oh, he's my friend, but he's a little crazy... He thinks he's a lightbulb."

The doctor looks up and notices Patient 2's face going all red and blue.

The doctor tells Patient 1,

"If he's your friend, you should get him down from there before he hurts himself!"

Patient 1 replies,

"What?! And work in the dark?!"

story 2

A psychiatrist decided to assess a group of patients who has been in the ward for a long duration of time. His objective is to discharge those who are deemed fit to go home by a test he invented by himself.

He took a piece of chalk and drew a box on the wall out of it, shaping it like a door. There were 30 patients in the ward and he gave them simple instructions.

"Look, my main objective here is to discharge as many of you as possible. If you can get out from the door (he points to the chalked door), you are free to go."

At this juncture, 29 of them rushed towards the door and tried to open it, cramming themselves and hurting each another while pushing and shoving around to get a chance to tweak open the door. All but one patient was sitting and laughing at the antics of his fellow inmates. The doctor puts on a broad smile on his effectiveness of such an invention to plan for discharge and at the same time happy to see that at least there is one patient who is deemed fit to be discharge.

Curious however, the doctor asked the patient who is sitting down. "Tell me, why aren't you over there with your friends opening the door to get out? Don't you want to be discharged?"

"Oh yes of course doctor!" said the patient... "but I want them to tire themselves out, it's fun to watch. Coz I know they will definitely not get out from that door. "

The doctor's face lighted up and was almost going to discharge him, when his nurse asked the patient; and what makes you think that they won't escape from the door?

Replied the patient, "Coz I have the key, you idiot!"


jetjetsemot said…
ahahhahah..lawak2..although i have to admit kena baca beberapa kali utk paham..lambang otak x stret..haha..
anda sehat lepas membacanye???
jetjetsemot said…
sehat lepas joging la ok..

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