
it was raining heavily yesterday with thunders and lightnings. it was really scary though. at that moment, i was with my cousin's children playing around at one corner of the house while my cousin and my grandma were chatting. one of my brother was sleeping on a bed while other as usual in front of the computer. my father was away for work so did my mother. it happened really quickly. i think i played with the kids for about 1-2minutes before i heard my cousin's high-pitched voice and yelled "banjir wey banjir".as i turned around i could see the water gushing to the house in a split second almost covered the whole floor. my first reaction was i grabbed the kitten's basket and quickly ran into my grandma's room, and quickly saved the kittens and the mother. i put them into the basket and put them at a higher place. while my cousin and my brothers quickly switch off all the electrical appliances and put them at a higher place. my brothers quickly saved their beloved computer and internet modem. then only we saved the carpets and other things that we could grabbed on.

the water was almost reached our ankle. we were still trying our best to save as many things as we could to the second floor. moment later, my mother arrived home and only God knows how surprised and panic she was when she saw the house like that. but i must say that she acted very quick and smooth. she instantly knows what would probably be the cause. she was right when the problem was that the drain was blocked with rubbish hence caused the water to overflow from the drain. it was because, few months ago, my mother put a net or something at the drain when she made a new store next to the house. i myself was not sure the purpose of the net. somehow, it did not cause any problem until yesterday when it rained heavily and causing all the twigs and rubbish to stuck at the net and blocked the drain. when the drain was cleared, the water stopped flowing into the house. it was a mess. the worse place affected would be my granma's room. thank God i quickly saved the kittens because within seconds, the room was filled with water and the pillow where the kittens used to sleep was floated.

then we scooped the water out and started to dry and clean the area as after half an hour, the rain stopped. what a day.

but what had happened somehow brought lots of benefits even it had caused a major catastrophe to the house. even though my mom sighed for million times and imagined the amount of works she would need to clean the mess and repeated the same thing;

"this was the first flood we had. we never had this before. never!. never ever since the build of the house"

the benefits are:-

1) it was like our spring cleaning of my granma's room that has lots of pusaka things and junks
2) it caused us to be grateful and think about other people who had underwent even worse situation than us. "at least the flood was not as bad as those in johor last time". that what we said all the times during the cleaning process.
3) as a lesson to us to think the consequences of whatever things we do. like, what was the purpose of putting a net there?
4) helped my grandma to give up some of her "most valuable things" that had been placed under the bed for ages such as old magazine, old letters etc

so, thank you flood. we have learned our lessons.

i wonder what would be my mom's reaction if i was not able to save the cats and my brothers' reactions if the computer was not able to be save. devastated?

rajinnya aishah mencedok air.


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