Scary Life

From South to North, then to East. I met with the newly weds, with the newborns, with the expecting. The birth, growing up, marriage, growing old, death; is supposed to be a beautiful cycle of life. But I become scared of it. Every single phase.

I imagine myself in their shoes.

What if I am not ready to accept my partner for richer and poorer, for sickness and health?
What if I am not capable to raise a child in a world that I myself can't differentiate between the goods and the evils?
What if when I am so worry about my future that I forget the ones that I love now?
What if I fail miserably?

What defines happiness?
What if I am too happy now?

As always, I walked along the waterfront, attempted to clear my conscience.

The more I think of it, the more selfish and colder woman I've become.
As much I love being me right now, I decided to cherish whatever I have now.

The rest is up to YOU!


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