Google: Show Luo
Its a habit i cannot change.
Previous post i talked about Korean drama love after a predictable, cliche, yet slight entertaining Taiwan Drama I watched; Corners with Love. The main actor, Show Luo honestly not that handsome but somehow as always, I googled him for unknown reason. (difficult to explain). But I guess that is what I do best. I found a guy and I google him. Doesn't have to be a celebrity. That's the power of internet. Thanks Google.
After several youtubes, wikipedia and gossips forums, I found Show Luo to be a very interesting guy and a very famous one too. Funny, charismatic, funny, who treasures friendship a lot and honest. Hell of a good dancer too (not as good as Daniel Cloud Campos though, he still my top fav).
Especially this youtube clip makes me repeats it 1000x. Love the every detail of popping. So cool.
When you google about someone, you will come about his/her past life, how was he before he was famous, how he copes with it, how difficult his life was, the romance, the gossips, etc. I found it interesting. And satisfying. Like a detective looking a clue and puzzles and putting them all together. Then I will make my own judgment based on my collected infos.
Like how I read about Yokoyama Yu, who never failed to make me laugh watching his show, so does Show Luo. But there is a small part of me wanting to know whether the acts they put on the show is their real self or they just into the characters. Either way, they are good entertainers.
You can just call it as a plain Hentai or pervert or pity stalker but knowing someone's life as interesting as he is makes me want to Google him more. What people call as Stupid Satisfaction. Doesn't have to be a guy, I Googled a lot of person including the famous women murderer in history, Blackbeard, and even someone I just know in my own field.
Thanks Google. I love you.