I love OT
OT? = operation theater
The environment. Ambiance. Is Cool, Tranquil, Calm.
Lately not much surgical cases unless if there is visiting Surgeon from Kuching. So I am more than happy if there is case like abscess for I+D. Even it is small, something that you can do under LA, I will even do it in OT. Because I like OT and the assistant is much better.
The staffs are nice and friendly. Helpful.
Probably the only time I talk the most is in OT. With them. I rarely have the conversation that is NOT medically or work related with other nurses in the ward or ER, even to my colleagues! I think because when I was at somewhere else, I was easily annoyed. When I am annoyed, I don't talk to people. When I am not happy, I don't talk. Silent treatment. Once I acted cold, it was difficult to act nice again. When I try too, I feel disgusted to myself, for "acting" to be nice when I am not. Why la. I myself not sure about it.
Why is it OT different? Why the staffs receive different treatment? Even when they screw things up which I believe very rare, I forgive them easily? Is it because of the OT? Why double standard?
Will I hate OT if I come back to SGH? Will it be the same?