weirdo McDreamo
I love my call last night.
Stayed in my on call room from 4pm until 1030pm when the call me for a meconium liquour but subsequently successfully delivered vaginally few minutes after I S+S her and admitted a febrile fit girl. From 11 till dawn, it was a very quiet night. No calls from ER or from the ward.
AND!!! I able to complete reading one whole chapter from my surgical textbook. What an achievement so far. Proud of myself. Hnsss, Hnsss.
But I have this weird dream. Interesting but weird.
I even sketch it out for better understanding.
I came to this weird place in my dream, with the black van with few others acquaintance (there probably like 10 of us?, not really sure of it myself but I felt like I did know all of them) and we parked our van next to the pool. Weird thing about the pool was that all the fish were dead and suddenly I saw few crocodiles came toward us and 'jumped' out from the pool ate all the dead fish!. Like how the fish in Taman Sahabat, Kuching. We were obviously shocked and scared, fleet to the house (kinda like a warehouse) and that moment, no mistake I could felt my heart pounded very fast.
Once we entered the house, it looked like a dorm with beds. I was pretty sure I saw my mom somewhere in the house but why? and I just accepted it that it was normal for her to be present there. After that, all of us suddenly were getting ready to go out. Like getting ready for a war. Boots on and we put on insect repellents on and grab our begs and headed towards the thick forest opposite the warehouse. I was pretty sure I was in the group but suddenly I was left behind at the warehouse for unknown reason. I was scared that I was left alone and worried to what was happening to other people. While I was busy try to recuperate myself from the trauma with the crocodiles suddenly, from the glass window at the rooftop, I could see a huge, humongous, UFO-like spaceship that resembled a brain? flew over the warehouse.
"? A brain??????"
I woke up by the sound of chitchatty nurses outside my room.
Why brain?
it was sick to think of it. Wekk..
I know it was just another weird wacky dream but it was fun!