the black figure..
i would like to say...
1) for supporting me in whatever i do, in whatever path i've took and will be
2) for having faith in me. trusting me and leading me in any of my decisions and judgements that i've made
3) for giving me necessary and sufficient freedom that i need
4) for working hard
5) for your sleepless nights and your lost weekends and less meals
6) for all the beneficial guidances, academically and non academically
7) for the money you've spent for me; academically and "non academically"
8) for loving me and caring for me and taking care of me well
9) for motivating me to be successful in life
10) for the best "wok-wi-chen" in the world
11) for the singings
12) for all the jokes you've told us
13) for the times you've spent with us
14) for the warm hugs
15) for being the greatest Babah ever
i still remember the time you cook me the scramble egg you called yourself your specialties "wok-wi-chen".
i still remember the first time you sent me to MRSM and everytime you visit me
i still remember your voice singing the "nogori soldier boy"
i still remember your word of wisdoms when i decided to take medicine as career
i still remember when you accompanied me during the election day
i still remember most of your riddles and jokes
i still remember your words of comfort and the way you cheer me up when i flung my end of final exam in IMU.
i still remember that you like to play Mnasir songs everytime you picked me or fetched me to Banting
you will always buy a cake for us for our birthday
for all the things you have done...THANK YOU
i love you