Apakah dosaku?
pernah tengok horror movie? pernah tengok orang yang disiat kulitnye sampai jadi macam gambar kat atas? scary ek? let me tell you what is scary. it is scary to see a man in that condition is still alive. still breathing and the eyes still moving.
i attended to an operation; wound debridement and split skin graft for a patient with 70% burn. he was quite famous though. those HO who had undergone burn ward rotation will tell the same story. "it was horrible"
i couldn't believe my eyes. it was difficult to describe though. the whole trunk was burn but the skin was quite ok. both of his hands were badly injured. you can see the bone at certain part and blood was dripping when you removed the dressing. the face. the whole skin burned. the eyes exactly like in the picture. lot of slough at the wound. very very minimal skin left for him. when i saw him, the only question that keep on repeating in my mind during the operation was
"what have you done wrong until you become like this?"
is it something he did in the past? apakah dosa dia sampai dia terseksa macam tu sekali.
mencurikah kamu?
menderhakakah kamu?
membunuhkah kamu?
berzinakah kamu?
jikalau tidak, kenapa kau diseksa sebegini rupa. even if you survive (which i doubt it), you still not be normal. you will suffer and keep on suffering.
if you are given the option. will you rather die or you want to stay alive with the condition like that?
i don't know. just pray for his best then. and for all of us here who is still well. take care of yourselves and appreciate life while you still can. (that's why i gave my calls away. i want my life more rather than money). dan jangan ingat segala dosa dan kesalahan yang telah dilakukan itu akan lepas begitu sahaja. setiapnya akan dibalas sama ada cepat atau lambat. beringat2 la sesama sendiri. Insyallah.