beautifully imperfect
i lost a patient during my last call. the patient that i first met when i was in medical posting and was then admitted to the surgical ward. what i remember about her, apart from all the illnesses that she had was how difficult it was to take her blood. she has a very supportive family members especially her husband who always there for her. they were a very sweet couple. always joking with each other. that night, when i was on call, i received a call that someone collapse in the ward. never slipped in my nearly empty mind at that time that the person was her. i saw her and talked to her 2 hours prior to that during her hemodialysis and she was fine. i met her husband after that. this was the first words he uttered to me
"35 years doctor. 35 years. akhirnya berpisah jugak (at last, we separated)"
he must have love her soooo much. during ups and downs. rarely we see this kind of couples nowadays. the soulmate for live.
and i found this interesting ads as well.
i hope i also will find a life partner "as beautifully imperfect to me"
but to bad. commitment and the idea of together forever still scares me. to my aunt if you happen to read this, i am sorry. still long time to go. i still 15 literally. seriously.