
On my way to work this morning, i listened to a very interesting topic brought up by the DJs from Fly.fm.
This guy called up and was very frustrated when the girl that he likes uttered something that was too damaging that his heart and his mind couldn't take it.....she called him 'bro'
That is like even worse than friend-zone
For some girls it just a gesture saying that you are comfortable with him. Maybe she mistakenly say it or maybe she really meant you as a brother.
For me. Terminologically is correct.
Bro-zone is something you can't break out from. It is like no turning back. Once you in the zone, you'll be like forever a bro. When you think it may turn otherwise, the girl may think like 'woaa that like an incest or something.. Sorry can't do BRO'
And even worse, a friend is someone she will come to if she has any problems and like no one come to a family like a brother if a girl has an issue..especially boys issue..
Am i right? Have you ever tell your brother that the guy you like might have other girl etc? He definitely gonna kill you both.
I bro-zoned someone.
Almost everyone.
I'm sorry, i only have one zone
Which is MY zone.. And it is pretty big a radius.
Terminology is very important. You have to get it right. There was a meme posted in Facebook showed that the cleaner we always see sweeeping those rubbish on the roads are not really 'tukang sampah' but the one that throw the rubbish on the road is the real 'tukang sampah'.
' tukang sampah' supposedly to be called pegawai kebersihan which i second and agree 130% because it is a nobel job. They should give a bigger credit for doing it!!
What else that you think should have the terminology right?