mainan budak budak

I went to ToyRUs today and i enjoyed myself. Every single time.

While browsing through all the toys, impress by the advance in technology in toy-making that made me feel like want to have them all, I observe a very significant difference between boy and girl's toys.

For girls, there will be those scary freaky baby dolls that can talk and giggle and blink their eyes or those skinny sexy dolls with hair extensions and fabulous fashions like Barbies. Plus those cooking apparatus, little vaccum-cleaner, iron with ironing board and the make up sets and those body-less heads for them to make their hair complete with curling iron etc.

Boys =  robots!!, cars!!!, guns!!, swords!!, balls!!

Seriously, what are we trying to show to this young generations actually?

For girls, are we expecting them to grow up to be a Princess? or a bit too ridiculous, a Fairy? To learn how to cook? be a cashier? take care of their own baby when they only like 4years old?
Please someone explain to me since I am very clueless of what we are doing right now actually in terms of imparting wisdom to our little ones.
 So you give your girl that scary Baby Alive doll. Why? What are you trying to teach your girl by giving the Baby doll? What do you aspect your girl will learn by playing with the doll, feeding her, change the diapers, put her on nap? To take care of your own child later? Come on, she just freaking 4 years old!!. She doesn't even know that she has a vagina!! Cut her some slack will ya. Don't you think it is too early to teach your girl about sex and baby and family? Just let her believe that all babies are send by stark until she learns what is a vagina for.

I personally believe that Barbie is not a healthy toy for kids. Why? It gives them a wrong perception that when she grows up, she must be very pretty like Barbie. Flawless skin, long blond hair and skinny sexy legs. They may learn that beauty is Barbie. Its the standard. But what has our child do to deserve to get fool by the fact that not everyone as beautiful like Barbie. Out of 10 people who have met daily, how many of them are as beautiful as Barbie? No right? It gives an unhealthy body image to our child.

And what's up with the cooking stuffs? Why?
What's up with the thing that cooking game is only for girls not for boys?
You will never see cooking game in boy section. Why is it only for girls? again we have given the wrong message to our little ones that cooking is JUST for girls. Excuse me, Hello!! How many chefs that you know of are gentleman? Jamie Oliver, Chef Wan etc..All dudes. So why can't boys play? Why it is have to be girl's game? Isn't it a little gender bias?

Don't let me start with those make up. urghhhh...SHE IS ONLY 4 YEARS OLD!!!

If I bring all these toys together and to imagine how the girl going to be like in next 20years if they play them, i imagine a girl on apron with a short miniskirt inside, multitasking between taking care of the babies and pet dogs or cats or rabbit and cooking and doing house chores. That is so 70s!!!

For boys, there will be superheros action figures and guns and swords and monster truck! Aren't they a bit violence? Why 4 year old needs guns or swords? And see those destruction that superheroes have done to the cities? Yeah they kick ass those evil enemies but who the fuck going to clean the mess? Who will sweep all those dust and fix the collapsed building? Don't you think we have let our sons to be violence?

Why can't all the toys to be universal? that can be play by both guys and girls? the games that help in speeding up their brain development like Legos or any other constructive games. And boys can have those cooking game with a touch of manliness in it and girls to wants to play hot wheels cars on track. It shows that there is no gender difference in career later on.

A headache isn't it. I am glad that during my time, we only play getah, baling selipar or galah panjang that both boys and girls can join. And we made our own toy like kites or gasing etc.

I don't know. If I will have a child later, I will only buy them Legos and soft toys. I don't want those scary little doll in my house. Kinda remind me of chucky that doll killer.

Choose wise parents. The type of toys your children are playing may reflect their future)

Note: Wahhh I love the new optimus prime!!!...and the cool helmet!!!...I want them!!!


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