what's my age again?

13th December

Every year at this day, will be the day that i will expect presents, eating something nice, delicious cakes, wishes, etc. Celebrating my special day with people that I treasure the most; my family.
But..as I grow mature, birthday is no longer become a day of celebration.
I have a new perception about birthdays.
Birthday become a day of reminisce about the things I have done and achieved for the past years. To think about the times I have wasted, things that I have missed, things I should have done, moments I truly love,  moments I should have forgotten.
The number of candles you blow every year now has become a time bomb of how closer are you to death. It tells you how little times you have left with so many things to do. It does cause me a state of panic. Like, I haven't travel around the world yet! Or I haven't send my parents to Haj yet. Or I haven't bought my brother a car yet. Lots of things I want to do in this world and I don't even close to achieving them yet and I am now 27years old; more or less.
Hmm...Lets list down the things I want to do or to have or to achieve before I turn hmmm 30.

1) Travel to Japan!
2) Send my parents to perform Haj. If possible I want to perform with them too.
3) Buy a house as an asset
4) To satisfy the needs of my brothers that related to the field of their interest. Etc, buying them video cams, cars, cameras, computer-related stuffs or game consoles. Their happiness is mine to share.
5) To held a medical check up day for my family where everyone will undergo health screening ie MMG, Papsmear, colonoscopy! and of course various blood check ups. Their heath is my responsibility.
6) As for myself, need to spend at least once or twice a year to travel. Japan, Korea, Turkey, Brazil, Europe etc.
7) To become a better Muslim. The one that is well prepared for the hereafter.

Is that too much to ask? Not too hard to achieve them right?

I wish myself a good luck and better year ahead. Another year older hopefully makes me wiser.

Happy birthday Me!


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