Don't forget my name

I have a habit of naming my possessions.
Like how I name my car, my guitar, my camera.
It makes us feel like a family. It tighter the bond. 
Here are some of the stuffs that I named.

1) Black Zephyr
Its my BLACK proton Iswara car. My first car I had as a present from Babah.

2) Viviana @Vivi
My computer BLACK Sony Viao. Always want to have Sony Viao since I was a student. When my Acer was stolen last 3 years, it gave me an excuse to buy a new computer. Since then, Vivi came to the family.

3) Baby
It was my BLACK Lumix Compact DSLR I first bought with KP to ease our craze for photography. I have lots of memories with Baby. We share the ups and downs. Now, I have my brother to take care of Baby since I found Richard. Not that I hate Baby, never will. It just that for someone to progress, certain things need to be sacrificed.

4) Luffy, Raul, Shanks.
All are the names of my teddies. I have Luffy with me all the times but the rest are "resting" well at my hometown. Luffy was from friends; Lydia and Didi. Raul is a pink teddy from my cousin. And Shanks is a big brown teddy I bought myself. I remember when I bought Shank from Teddy Tales Mid Valley. It was my birthday and I wanted to have Shanks as a treat for myself for my birthday. I had to bring a foot tall Shanks home via Komuter train. I couldn't describe my feelings at that time. Embarrassed? and Happy? For those who know me, you probably laughing out loud by now. The so-called hard rock chick like me still like having teddy in bed. And I am not more than 27yo now. BUT...Aku tak kesah!!

5) Ahmad Rushie bin Abdullah
My first car that I bought myself; a BLACK Toyota Rush. Rushie is the first of my belongings that I "bin" kan..(since some people was wondering why I gave them English name instead of Malay names. The answer is..Suka Hati a..)

6) Richard Canon bin Abdullah
My first BLACK Canon DSLR. Again I bought it as a treat for myself on my birthday too.

7) Hiroshi Yamamoto Bin Abdullah
My first BLACK pick up guitar. Made in China but raised as a Japanese. haha.

I just bought a new DVD player to accompany during meals. Since my pathetic single life makes me have a dinner alone hence no one to talk too hence I watch Simpsons or Friends or Anime when I have my meals. So, DVD player is an important part of my life like the rest of the stuffs named above. Hmmm...what should I call him then......

I KNOW!!...

Welcome to the newest member of the family.


8) Rafael Noh Bin Abdullah
My BLACK DVD player that so far not tired of entertain me with Simpsons, FRIENDS etc.

I wonder should I named my rice cooker, microwave, fan too...Naa..


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