home is where love is

Feel good to be home...

1) First thing Babah said to me when I hug him..." KO dah GOMOK!!!!"...ye, saya terima seadanya..boleh tak kurus later??...skang nak gemuk dulu..sebab nak makan byk2!!!

2) Mama's expressive dysphasia is actually improving. ada la bunyi melayu sikit. She needs to practice but masalahnye kat rumah skarang tak ramai dah penghuninye (utk dibawa berborak). Twins dah masuk college. I advised her to talk more often at the TV. Cursing those Indonesian's drama a lot.

3) Parents' attempts to cheer me up from the "incident" is soooo not working. Trying to tell EVERYONE about my situation right now is so not helping. And trying to tell me that Belaga is sooo nice too is not going to work. I am here not to talk about it at all!!..Because the more i think about it, the more frustrating I am about my superiors. (Not much about the patient herself but i am furious about my boss right now who sending me away. I hate politics!!)..So just shush it up. And talk about other stuffs. Please.

4) The moment i hugged my brothers, rase mcm nak menangis!!..i miss them..A LOT..tengok dorang sudah besar..sudah handsome...(watching them growing up macam tgk anak sendiri membesar. so what's next after college? girlfriend? wedding?..oh no...so not ready for this).

5) Has been doing come cleaning. so ada la keluarkan 2-3titik peluh. and mengamit memori sket2

6) baru sedar yg seremban tu takdelah best sangat. Maksudku selain JJ, ape je bende best kat seremban. But when keluar with my brothers, tak kire la kat mana, rase the best thing i've ever done!!...so tempat tak penting. asalkan we all together..brother ai...

7) Babah nak sambung belajar lagi. terasa nak sambung belajar cepat2..tak boleh kalah dengan babah

8) I know parents should be proud of their child yang berjaya. tapi if terlalu or teramat, rase rimas. I am just a junior doctor yang tak penyayang. no need to be proud of that.

9) The cats kurang kasih sayang. Sally kurang manja. Garfiled pun. Tom pun merajuk sebab kurung dia lama2. Shaggy pregnant AGAIN!!..Shaggy definitely needs BTL. She has enough pregnancies and very very poor spacing too.

10) Mama's obsession about Indonesian drama. (tak sempat2 nak balik from PD sebab nak tengok cerita Indon...hai Mamaku) and Ibu's addiction towards Youtube and Facebook. Sigh jugak.

11) Terlebih Makan!!!!...Rase amat bersyukur dilahirkan kat Malaysia. Banyaknye Makanan yg best..Our street foods memang the boM!!!..

12) tengah belajar dengan tekun, bahasa jepun. menyalin alamat2 makanan halal di jepun. tempat2 or kedai2 yang nak diserbu. juga sedikit survey. terima kasih Kanjani8. Banyak bende aku belajar from korang. kan best kalau terserempak!!..dan belatih la jugak amik gambar2 sket2. supaya nanti gmbr kat jepun ala2 gambar editorial, lagi kelas kalau high fashion. hamik.

13) Hidup tak bermakna tanpa fast internet connection..bila dapat muat turun banyak2 rase bertenaga!!...estatic habis..

sekian rumusan. malas nak tulis panjang. gambar menyusul kemudian.


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