the orthopod

dah 2 minggu aku kat orthopaedic posting. bersamaan 2 minggu aku meninggalkan A+E

pendapat aku tentang orthopaedic posting aka my last posting.

1) AKU BENCI ORTHOPOD...blur tahap blur...aku tak suke aku tak suke aku tak suke...tak suke the subject sejak medical school lagi. ada apa dengan tulang? ha..ha!...takde ape pun.. semua poros. osteoporotic!

2) most patient yang masuk ward sebab cari masalah sendiri. the commonest, road traffic accident and assaulted. tak de keje lain ke ha. menyusahkan orang.

3) rumour has it. seperti yang ku dengar sebelum ini, some of the nurses and most of the PPK are damn slow! i feel like resigning working with them. few of the nurses are reliable and friendly and some of the reliable ones otherwise not friendly and annoying. yeiks.

4) new posters reminded me to who i was before. i was like one of them before but a bit unfortunate at that time. better jadi bodoh and blur tapi mau dengar kate orang and cepat belajar daripada those yang bodoh sombong. attitude kene betul bro. keje kene bersungguh2.

5) the bosses ok la. ada yang terlalu relax. ada yang suam2. tapi semua boleh buat kawan. big bosses pun ok gak la. tapi head of boss someone yang you cant take him lightly. watch out.

6) dah dilabelkan sebagai 6 poster ni harapan macam gunung kinabalu. takpun everest. hopefully aku lepas le posting ni. pastu campakkanlah aku ke district. aku dah lame reda. malas dah nak pikir. huhuhu..


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