Dictator Gramp

The person mentioned above has visited us yesterday for a spot check. this is the first time i met him in person and it was a major disappointment. like having a blind date and turned out that your date is deaf. he never listens!

we had a meeting, it was between him and us housemen. He initially somehow gave the impression that he really cares about us by the soft spoken kind opening speech he made. Yup, made me convinced that he may cause some changes in our life as HO in SGH. However, he has disappointed me. The answers were so annoying!

1) when asked about why HO will be extended 3months if he or she not performing up to standard? Where the magic number 3 come from? and how sure are you that by extending HO for 3months make he or she a better HO?......the answer - BECAUSE I SAID SO.
annoying?..veto?... fuck it..

2) we bring up the issue that in certain department especially in pead department, we have to work up till 12pm and it was considered as passive call but not getting paid!...the answer - JUST FOLLOW THE CIRCULAR THAT I HAVE MADE. THAT'S ALL. NEXT QUESTION. the point we bring the issue up was that to tell you that we have been used unwillingly as a force labor worker. and it was not settled despite discussion with the Pengarah. Heartless.

3) We have been bullied by the supporting staffs. Nurses made us measured the patient's BP, urine output by ourselves and we also have to send patients down for Xrays and staff. The answer - OK I WILL DISCUSS THIS FURTHER WITH THE MATRON, BUT WHEN I WAS A HOUSEMAN BEFORE, I USED TO DO THAT AS WELL AND I NEVER COMPLAINED ABOUT IT. yeah right. you are born as angel and never bitching about your life before. bluff

the session ended earlier than we expected. because in the end of the day, everyone thinks it was a useless meeting. anyway, thanks for coming to SGH and screwed our department badly.


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