Penat kalau tak ikhlas nak jaga hati orang
Terpaksa bermuka muka muka
it is not my nature to be all smiley and nice. For those who knows me at work, tau la macam mana aku. Muka mak tiri, pengawas, bitch-face. But i can be warm and bubbly to in certain occasion contoh kat rumah with family, with Jimbo and when i travel abroad especially Japan.
so kalau tetibe terbalik aku kat tempat kerja aku all smiley, then must be very careful. I am not myself.
Here i have to fake it. terpakse buat muka baik. sebab nak berkat. dorang kan cikgu. tapi dalam hati berapi2 tahan marah.
sekali sekala boleh tahan lagi. if kalau dah selalu aku rasa penat and rasa nak rebel. once rebel then it is end of the day la. no turning back. i don't want that to happen just yet. biar pass exam dulu.
takpe la korang tak paham. yang penting i need to get this uneasy feeling out from me. i need an escape supaya keadaan kembali neutral and steady. i need to get back to nature again.
or i can just hug Jimbo. tapi Jimbo suka gigit. dia ingat aku chew toy dia ke? i am your master ok!!...
ramblings end