tight arse traveller

Whilst I was Googling in attempt to  complete my rough itinerary for my next Indonesia trip end of this month (woohoo), I found this website.

The travel art.

I was laughing really hard when I read about the 10 commandments of Tight Arse Travelling (Backpacking).
It is damn hillarious but some of them are true.

Even the underwear thingy..Euuwww...
And imagine if you go to tropical country like Malaysia where it is humid and hot!...Euwww..

Better get those disposable ones..

The Tight Arse Travel Commandments!

The Tight Arse Traveller lives by the following 10 Commandments of Tight Arse Travelling:
1. Thou shalt be able to wear a single piece of underwear 4 times before washing is required.  That is, frontwards, backwards, inside-out frontwards, and inside out backwards.
2. Thou shalt prefer to crash on a free beach, park bench or forest instead of a paid bed.
3. Thou shalt view swimming in the ocean as an adequate substitute for showering.
4. Thou shalt abstain from using washing powder for as long as possible.
5. Thou shalt shun the marvels of underarm deodorant.
6. Thou shalt view razor blades and shaving cream as purely optional accessories.
7. Thou shalt ensure everything is recyclable and reusable.
8. Thou shalt use the following hierarchy of transport to minimise costs, in order of first preference to last – walking, hitchhiking, and as a stowaway in a plane.
9. Thou shalt drink the cheapest booze by methodically working out the lowest possible cost per alcohol content ratio ; and finally
10. Thou shalt follow alley cats to find the cheapest source of local cuisine.

the thing about backpacking, we care of each money we spent or gonna spend.
Cheapskate..a bit yeah.
but all those don't even matter to us..
the most important things are..been there done that and snap pictures as prove 
So depressing to know how much money I have now in the bank...
When will I be rich?


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