photography, camera, DSLR, lenses
when it all started?
I couldn't remember. probably from the end of year trip to Penang when I was 15years old.
Fascinated by the scenery and couldn't help to stop snapping all the pictures with all my friends.
Thinking, it would be the last time we hang out and the possibility not seeing each other anymore.
I want to remember those memories and times spent with them.
I use the old kodak camera at that time.
Then taking pictures become no only about having to freeze those sweet memories.
It becomes a method/medium to express my thoughts.
To tell others what I saw and how I felt.
Thanks to ibu for my first digital camera.
I tried to make full use of it.
From it I learn how to take picture. Which angle for best shot.
I should spend more times with it but unfortunately it got spoil from my kayaking trip.
Then came Baby; Compact DSLR panasonic lumix which I bought with Kpah.
We had awesome times together. Slowly I learned about aperture, about shutter speed, ISO, white balance etc.
Then I felt that I need to improve more and Baby couldn't offer me the things I need to expand my skill and techniques. Hence...
I have Richard. We are doing fine so far.
But if you ask me, what are we aiming for?
It is save to say i am not aiming for pro.
It just enough for me to take better pictures for myself for my own satisfaction.
Better pictures during my holiday or with my family or during special occasions
That helps me to smile every time I look at them.
That helps me to remember those moments.
And to tell me how I felt that time.
My brothers I would consider as lucky to start with Baby as his first camera.
If only he appreciate more, he can be better.
If only I can make him to understand that having a good DSLR doesn't mean you will get a great picture. I still can't even though I have Richard with me. Not the best but better.
But a good photographer is all about skills and creativity.
Youngsters nowadays, will only want to have it because of the trend.
Everyone has DSLR so must I.
Everyone has Iphone or Smart Ass phone, so must I.
Just have things you need and important to you.
I hope I will improve my skill. I hope I have more times spend to practice.