

Sometimes, if you plan a lot in your life, to the point you are afraid of not able to commit all of them, it will make you feel depress.

Not planning at all in your life, could be adventurous but yet risky and make you feel anxious.

For instance, planning to get serious in your career by taking master program. Good. The question is when? which one? and suddenly you back out and said "maybe i am not ready"

Planning to go holidays, around the world. Fantasy but do able. But the problem is when? where? "maybe i save my money for my family"

Not planning to settle down. Put my trust on faith and miracle 100%. It is adventurous and fun but until when?

Not planning your finance for you future. I feel so stupid. but again, it made me think. What exactly i save my money for in the future? I need money now!!

To plan a plan is sick. I hate plan. But not planning make me insecure. That's why i day dream. Where everything is possible. Sigh. If I plan to day dream? I am rotten.


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