mama tak sehat
I received a call from ibu this morning.
" wani, mama is not feeling well. We are bringing her to the hospital. Look like she might get admitted. She suddenly couldn't talk and got off from the bed this morning."
I was like " My God..don't tell me..."
And i was right. When i talked to the doctor in-charged, it was confirmed that she has a stroke.
Please, don't take her away from me yet.
Only God knows about my feeling at that time. i really want to go back but my mom insisted for me to stay back. She will update me, she promised. I was not surprised how strong i took that, but i think i may not take it well when i see her later.
Mama is a woman who never stays still. She moves around, she does her work even though with that khyposcoliotic spine, she rocks. And to see her in a state with a tube on her nose and on wheelchair, is something i can't take it. That is not mama.
When was the last time i listens to mama's talk?
I really want to talk to her again. I really do.
I really really do.
I want to hear her voice again.
If only i have the dagger to turn back time, i really want it.
So we can't cheer each other up. It was quite messy.
Even the big fat puss in boot couldn't really help me.
Even the place at Cat Museum couldn't help me.
I did quite a good job not to cry.
Up till now.
Damn it.
i wish for a longer period of time,
for both of us,
so at least Mama can ride on my Rushie,
so that Mama can stay in her new room,
so that Mama can see my future boyfriend, my future husband as she has the veto power.
i know the separation is inevitable,
but please give us some more time.