25 years


peek behind

then be happy

what i have learned so far for the past 25 years of my life

keep on walking forward

look back once in a while

and then you will smile

and you will keep on walking

enjoying every step

who are they at your back; family, friends, surprising moments,bitter past, sweet memories.

who are they in front of you; family, friends, moments and memories.

am i regret now?...i guess its too late to talk about it. just use every single time you have and fulfill them wisely. besides, time is moving forward, never backward. don't be left behind.

thank you to those who have celebrated my special day today. thank you. i am really flattered.
i'll post the pics later.-done-

family from my paternal side gave me a surprise birthday party..i lurve the pizzas...yummy

sharing it with along and farhan

my birthday breakfast made by my brother azmi

Ibu bought me t-shirts so does Babah. Aman has not bought me anything yet so far but his presence alone enough to make me happy.


Love this. This is Something that I need to remember! Thanks for sharing.
Hope that your having a Joyous HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Valjam Boyd said…
hepi belated beday...struggle to survive and strive to strike ur best..

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