now i pronounce you DEAD

it may look really easy just to pronounce someone's death.
no pulse, pupils fixed and dilated, no breath sound and that's equal to you're dead..just follow the light what some people says. but what if you to say that you are going to die in 5minute. yes i am definitely sure, you will die really soon hence i will sign your death certificate now. any last wish?

i assisted my surgeon at OT last week. one of the case was a gentleman with recurrent colon cancer with stoma. stoma was not functioning and patient claimed unable to take food orally probably due to obstruction. so we did a laparotomy. when my surgeon open up the abdomen, we noted a lot of this carcinomatosis seedlings; carcinomatosis peritonei. with frozen pelvis, a lot of adhesions and dilated bowels. we couldn't get the part of bowel for a new stoma. we've tried so hard to pull it out but it was a failure until my surgeon gave me the statement " ok, prepare the death cert. let him eat anything he wants for the last time". we closed up the abdomen walked off.

i was oncall and i had this young boy who involved in road traffic accident and sustained a brain injury. initially he was fine until the blood pressure perssitently low. we add up lots of inotropes to pump up the heart. up to 3 inotropes but still the blood pressure was only 60-70 systolic. in view of his deteriorating condition with maximum inotropes, we explained to the family members that the progonosis was poor. the chances that he might survive was very very low. so through out my call, i was just waiting there and watching him to die slowly. my nurses already prepare the death report. until he passed away after 16hours of fighting for life. and i was helplessly watching him go away. because i know, you are going to die. that's why i prepare the form earlier.

it is always a pity, a disturb feeling to have to encounter such events. you are even more helpless then your usual helplessness. to not be able to help more than you can and the only thing left for you to do is just to pray. isn't not my reason to be a doctor was to help people. but still i am not a God. i am a small microsize human being with limited space for memory in my cerebrum.
hopefully i will not "tapau" anyone in my next call.


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