hard but possible

it is hard to actually being nice and acting warm and friendly...to show that you really concern about someone...to show that you are really care..i do have problem with it..unable to express my real feeling and people always misinterpret it as snobbish, cold and arrogant...no matter how friendly and warm and kind 'me' that i try to show when interact with people, i always find it as FAKE...like..what the heck i'm doing?...what am i trying to win here?...who do i want to impress?...that is why, sometimes there are times i would like just to act like the normal me..like the way i comfortable with..but as my profession requires me to interact with people a lot and to have a good rapport with your patients will ensure a better commitment and adherence, i feel like i have no choice but to act nice...

but again...not only in my profession..but this may need to be apply in our normal day-to-day activities..

for example..
you have to say that your wife's food is soooo nice when it is actually otherwise...
you have to act like your 4 year-old daughter's voice to be sooooo nice when it is not
you have to pretend to be happy with your friend's news when you actually not...

there are certain times i think we have no choice to go against yourself in order to survive..but at the same time..try to make others to understand the real you....
i am not that bad...i am not that fake....really..i do...


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