mari menulis
it has been indeed a very very long time since i written something in this blog..due to time factor, mood factor and macam sibuk tapi tak sibuk pun sebenarnya, sebab tu rasa agak malas sikit nak menaip
walhal, actually, sebenarnya,
banyakkkk gilller nak cerita...about travelogue yang tertangguh nak dikongsikan...India trip, kinabalu trip, japan trip
(Yattaaaa....i made it to Japan!!!!....Mechhhhaaaa sukiyanen!!!!)
then about the last farewell to Kuching...
Yaaa (dengan mood sedih dan keberatan), i finally wave goodbye to comfort zone..
I am now in Kubang kerian kelantan.
Or should i start to call myself - I am master student of surgery in HUSM, first year, nice to meet you!
The road surely gonna be tough. After long thoughts and persuasion and motivation by bosses in Kuching, I finally agree to take up the challenge. I even feel more determination after the trip to Kinabalu and Japan yang ada mengubah my perception of me as a general. Ceeehhh...but seriously..
I start to mingle less with facebook (so far doing quite well where i haven't post any status yet for the last 4days). I begin to lessen my groups in Whatsapp. I'll tell why in detail..maybe..of why i decided to do to dissociate myself to the media or internet world..whatever the term place..of course i'm trying to create a new me..hopefully a better me..
feel very tired now..hopefully i have time to write more tomorrow...
hmmm...where should we start?
it has been indeed a very very long time since i written something in this blog..due to time factor, mood factor and macam sibuk tapi tak sibuk pun sebenarnya, sebab tu rasa agak malas sikit nak menaip
walhal, actually, sebenarnya,
banyakkkk gilller nak cerita...about travelogue yang tertangguh nak dikongsikan...India trip, kinabalu trip, japan trip
(Yattaaaa....i made it to Japan!!!!....Mechhhhaaaa sukiyanen!!!!)
then about the last farewell to Kuching...
Yaaa (dengan mood sedih dan keberatan), i finally wave goodbye to comfort zone..
I am now in Kubang kerian kelantan.
Or should i start to call myself - I am master student of surgery in HUSM, first year, nice to meet you!
The road surely gonna be tough. After long thoughts and persuasion and motivation by bosses in Kuching, I finally agree to take up the challenge. I even feel more determination after the trip to Kinabalu and Japan yang ada mengubah my perception of me as a general. Ceeehhh...but seriously..
I start to mingle less with facebook (so far doing quite well where i haven't post any status yet for the last 4days). I begin to lessen my groups in Whatsapp. I'll tell why in detail..maybe..of why i decided to do to dissociate myself to the media or internet world..whatever the term place..of course i'm trying to create a new me..hopefully a better me..
feel very tired now..hopefully i have time to write more tomorrow...
hmmm...where should we start?