mainan budak budak

I went to ToyRUs today and i enjoyed myself. Every single time. While browsing through all the toys, impress by the advance in technology in toy-making that made me feel like want to have them all, I observe a very significant difference between boy and girl's toys. For girls, there will be those scary freaky baby dolls that can talk and giggle and blink their eyes or those skinny sexy dolls with hair extensions and fabulous fashions like Barbies. Plus those cooking apparatus, little vaccum-cleaner, iron with ironing board and the make up sets and those body-less heads for them to make their hair complete with curling iron etc. Boys = robots!!, cars!!!, guns!!, swords!!, balls!! Seriously, what are we trying to show to this young generations actually? For girls, are we expecting them to grow up to be a Princess? or a bit too ridiculous, a Fairy? To learn how to cook? be a cashier? take care of their own baby when they only like 4years old? Please someone explain to m...