
Showing posts from February, 2011

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movie review - 127hours

127Hours Was the time for Aron Ralston (a Canyoneer) spent in canyon before he decided to self amputate his right arm which stuck in between rocks. It tells the story of how he spent that hours, dehydrated, hallucinating, examining his life until he found the will to escape by any means. Hence the amputation. storyline: even though it was quite hard to believe (someone self amputated the arm and stayed alive in the canyon for 5days??), but it was based on true story then can't argue. B+ Cinematography: Lovesss the canyon. So beautiful!!!..But the cinematography was OK. Actor: A. Good job James Franco. I knew it that putting you behind the mask as Green Goblin so not worth it. Why watch this? - it will tell you that if you have the will, you will have the way. - the canyon is so beautiful - what dehydration can do to your mind and sanity (plus the urine too) - try to put yourself in his situation, what will you do? - because James Franco is cute.

mama continues

Last time i was home was last december. From then until now, Mama's condition is static. She uses the wheelchair to walk (instead of sitting on it), she will push it and walk. The expressive dysphasia is slightly improving. At least, she able to complete a sentence once in a while such as " habis tu macam mane?", " adik sudah makan?". Depression?, slightly improving. She needs someone to talk to. And probably, since the twins are off to college, the house is pretty quite, and she probably feels lonely. She was very ecstatic when Bg Pul and Bg Shah stopped by. She ate with them. She too very happy when MamaSu and aunty Anni came. There was once, she asked me to go to Mummy's house. Just to tell her something. She could have just call her but instead i drove her. It looked like something very important and urgent, probably about the business? or any massage appointments. I gave her a smirk when i know about the "very important" message. She asked Mu...

Shepherd Pie

Dah lama dah janji dengan the twins, nak buat bende ini. Last time makan kat sarawak, kat rumah Mak Jot. but biasa la, janji tinggal janji. tetibe dapat seru nak buat harini. Resepi diambil from Kak Suzie b logspot Kesudahannye? cuba a buat sendiri. kesudahan aku....cuba lagi yang terbaik lain kali... pepehal pun, bedal saje. Jangan membazir. Tapi seronok main masak2 dengan Ibu..Love!!!!! (tapi sorry la, masak makanan melayu itu kurang minat a plak..nanti a tunggu dah besar nanti wani belajar masak ha...mintak ampun)

Doktor Bedah

while cleaning up my room and found this.. It is destiny or a choice? I was really determined and even more specific. Don't remember of having these evaluations. In Summary: When I first started high school, I had less confidence and initiative. But i think it was fair because it was a transition period from a childish me to a little less childish me. But can't help noticing that i was forever had a B for my appearance and sociability. Haha. Was never and still never a pretty girl in school. I was a school prefect hence I always put on my serious face to school. Hence the less sociability. I guess. These were what i chose These were what the homeclass teacher thought about me. In Summary: I was never good in Music, Literature and never have talent in persuading people. But excelled in Math and Social service. Tell me if i am wrong. Could it be that the teacher copied my answers? Or in a way, agreed to my choices? Sometimes, de cluttering can be effing long. Especially my broth...

home is where love is

Feel good to be home... 1) First thing Babah said to me when I hug him..." KO dah GOMOK!!!!", saya terima seadanya..boleh tak kurus later??...skang nak gemuk dulu..sebab nak makan byk2!!! 2) Mama's expressive dysphasia is actually improving. ada la bunyi melayu sikit. She needs to practice but masalahnye kat rumah skarang tak ramai dah penghuninye (utk dibawa berborak). Twins dah masuk college. I advised her to talk more often at the TV. Cursing those Indonesian's drama a lot. 3) Parents' attempts to cheer me up from the "incident" is soooo not working. Trying to tell EVERYONE about my situation right now is so not helping. And trying to tell me that Belaga is sooo nice too is not going to work. I am here not to talk about it at all!!..Because the more i think about it, the more frustrating I am about my superiors. (Not much about the patient herself but i am furious about my boss right now who sending me away. I hate politics!!)..So just shush it u...

old flame

That is why sometimes it will take me days to clean up my room.. Not that it was too messy (at least from my definition) but.... whenever i came across to things like this, i will tend to reminiscence " ahh, i remember this, the time when....." So I found this, a file with all my sketches and favorite anime posters (those that survived from the cleaning process from my old house). It brings back good memories. I forgot that I used to be really into this spiky-red-headed-skinny-dude. wow, i must be growing up. Character from Peacemaker, by mangaka Kurono Nanae Characters from GempakStarz, by Zint Under 18 No Fear Another character from Gempakstarz, from Fatal Chaos Attempt to sketch a colleague from IMU. Guess who? Calintz from Magnacarta Slay, a character from 2Dudes by Zint from GempakStarz. My Heart throb!! when Hajar asked me to design a new labcoat, i sketched this instead. From a friend. Batistuta is a footballer, Gabriel Batistuta from Argentina. So i did Thanks Siti Ir...


I spent at most 2 days, trying to write but i couldn't find the right words to start with. The right words to describe what i feel, have felt, and am feeling. 1) Betrayed - by humanity. By Edmund Burke who famously said " All is necessary for the triumph of evil is when good men do nothing". I wish to ask him, why. Why when even good men do something, evils still making their way to victory? Why evil still live? 2) Deceived - lying to myself and others. About my principals. The moral code. Just to protect and uphold my dignity. It was very hard to swallow. The pain is permanent but subtle. 3) Rebellious - about everything. without any reason. In the form of actions and words. Most of the time and mostly resulting in questions and self disappointment. Try to make people to believe it something i was born with and stuck somewhere in my DNA. 4) Forfeited - giving up. Unable to move on. Static or worst going backward. Rarely do this but frequently doing it nowadays. Letting g...