
Showing posts from April, 2009


today is my last day in paed surgical ward. i am not sad neither happy. because i know that the other side of the road is just similar to the one i am having now. either way, i still going to suffer for a period of time. hopefully. anyway, i do feel sad to leave some of people i know. like my little "kawan" who keep me entertained with his cuteness, laughter and smile. his naughty acts. his charms. yes. when i told all these to KP, she will screams, " YOU ARE A PHEDOPHILIA!!!" what if i am. no such grown up, mature, rasional man even close to what my little "kawan" has. maybe they have normal man's "birdy" because my little kawan is a hypospadias kid. a very cheerful hypospadias. every morning, he will greet me. everytime i do review to other patient, he will smile and ask me how am i doing. and before i left the ward he will waves me goodbye and say "jumpa lagi besok" (see you again tomorrow). i told him that today is my last day h...

dreams come true!!

okla, lets make this post simple. AKU DAH BELI DSLR!!!!!!! KP pun... tetibe je. memang it is something that we planned long time ago. but it is not a really well prepared plan. mentally and "cash"ly pun tak well prepared. tapi tadi kp just cakap," jom usha camera". and da di da di da....we ended up dah bayar deposit pun...ahhh tak sabar nak dapat..hopefully this week...let's start photographing.. then you guys will expect a lot of pictures from me... pun jua hari ni kitorang cari rumah...ada 4 rumah kitorang survey tadi rumah A points for - comel, dekat ngan hospital, full furniture, well kept, a bit smaller compared to the current one. all rooms air-conditioned. harga pun ok je. points again - parking lot kecik (tak muat 3 kete, rushy nak letak mane?), takde TV rumah B all are points against - berselerak, tak cukup perabot, tak homely. besar jugak a. rumah C rumah yang previously diduduki oleh student UNIMAS, tau2 je la kalau student dah duduk. 5 rooms. quite s...

wise owl

i was having my lunch (= bread+can drink) while reading a nursery rhyme book. then i found this. why can't we be like a wise old. unlike some people in the department preferred to be a mocking bird, peacock, eagle, a dying vulture. i want to be a wise old. less talk, but listen and see a lot. i couldn't remember when was the last time i received a compliment. i did last week, during my oncall. i have a lady gasping for breath. she was acidotic with a very bad premorbid. known case of hypertension, diabetes, known heart disease and acute renal failure. we had a problem in resuscitating her in view of her heart problem and kidney problem. i barely knew about the case because i was not from the ward. it just that i have to be there because i was oncall. in the end, we need to call anesthetist for a help. she needs ICU care. the anesthetist that showed up that night was the same person who once had hang up on me when i referred him a case when i was in o&G. i was just introduc...

ku mahu kau tahu

someone's birthday just around the corner. suddenly i remembered. that someone once had gave me somethings for my birthday. the things she gave not something extraordinary. all are cute things, can be seen anywhere in any shopping stores. they were a toy cat, a mug and a toothbrush holder. but what i like about them is how she presented with all the presents. " wani, aku tau ko suke waffle, aku tak dapat nak cari waffle maker for you. so sorry. tapi aku dapat cari bende ni. aku tau ko ada buat koleksi patung kucing kat toilet, so aku bagi ko toy ni as collection. aku tau ko nak a big mug macam dalam citer "FRIENDS" aku cuba cari tapi ni yang terbesar yang aku dapat. aku tau ko suke toothbrush holder ni mase kite kuar jalan2 aritu. so now all for you" aku terharu not because aku dapat banyak hadiah. tapi aku terharu sebab dia so sensitive to actually granted my wish. to notice the wishes yang aku sendiri tak berapa pasti sometimes.orang cakap, thougt that counts ...

senyumanmu motivasiku

motivasi? perlukah seseorang itu mempunyai motivasi diri? motive? motif? untuk ape? sesuatu perkara atau bende yang dapat memotivasikan diri agar dapat meneruskan sesuatu kerja? mungkin aku ada. motivasiku, setiap hari aku pergi kerja, aku harap seseorang kanak2 tertentu itu akan sentiasa sihat dan bertambah sihat. pertama kali dia datang dan dimasukkan ke dalam wad itu, keadaannya amat lemah. budak yang berumur itu mempunyai susuk tubuh yang kurus dan kurang berat badan. selalu menangis, terpaksa menggunakan bantuan alat pernafasan untuk beberapa hari. hari ini, aku melihat dia tersenyum. mataku bergenang. dia kelihatan gembira tapi masih dalam keadaan lemah. akan tetapi dari riak matanya aku seakan dapat mengerti. dia kini berasa lebih selasa dan seakan ingin mengucapkan sesuatu. terima kasih? atau aku dah kenyang? aku harap agar aku dapat melihatnya tersenyum lagi besok. supaya dia makin sihat. mungkinkah dia akan pulang dengan keadaan yang lebih bagus sebelum aku meninggalkan surge...

a stenosed mind

why do we need a hostile environment in our working place? as if they have nothing to do hence the spend their leisure times by finding housemen's faults. yes it so entertaining until it bursts their mind and herniated the stomach till they can't breath. gossiping about housemen like their dinner everyday. stuff them everyday till they fat and can't move. if the medications not serve by the nurses. who's fault? - houseman if the blood samples not send by the attendant. who's fault? - houseman if the patient fell due to slippery floor. who's fault? - houseman if the specialist "accidentally" open someone's abdomen for patient that come with epigastric pain. who's fault? - houseman if the specialist can't poops or pees or poopees. who's fault? - houseman yes we are the scumbag that takes all the blame. why world is so hot?- houseman's fault why Paris Hilton is a slut? - houseman's fault i am tired of this unnecessary and irrelevan...

super woman?

how to change your car tyre? the equipments needed :- 1) car jack (the thingy that can lift up your car), spare tire (the good one of course) 2) tire iron (the long rod thingy that can turn the lug nuts on the tire) 3) very good muscular biceps. (if you are cheap, then maybe you need a pair of fine sexy legs to help you out). 4) an energy bar for energy of course how? 1) if you are stranded somewhere alone, for those cheap ladies, this is the time you should where short skirts and stand by the road try to look for muscular guys for help. for all the independent strong ladies out there, this is the time you make those biceps of yours to work REALLY HARD!! 2) use car jack to lift you car first. 3) pull out all the nuts from your tire using the tire iron. easy? very simple 4) after you done with then, take off the tire then. this part is a bit tough and you need 101% of your total energy to do that. 5) once you take off the flat tire, you put the new tire and reattach all the nuts back an...


penat, stress dan penat lagi dan stress lagi apela erti kehidupan sekarang tapi ape boleh buat teruskan sahaja tanpa banyak bicara dan semoga semangat ini kekal hingga akhirnya yozzza!!!

laju dan garang

kenape saye kene tengok cerita ini? ketama: PAUL WALKER!!!!..drooollssss kedua: PAUL WALKER!!!!!....fitttt...status epilepticus ketiga: carssss....Nissan skyline!!!!....rideeeee Paul walker is the definition of a man. hot and sexy. you dare to deny me then you are a fool. fast and furious the franchise always keep my adrenaline rush as fast as the cars in the movies. yes i do admit that i watch the movie 90% is because of paulie is in it. can't resist a fine man like him though. but they are good movies. i seriously don't know. they said it is supposed to be a prequel?. but it seems like a story to tell the audiences what happened between the transition from the fast and the furious to 2fast 2furious. somehow it makes a fine storyline for me. the exact incidence of why Brian O'connor is no longer a cop. how Hanz (ahhhh, the ever coolest Hanz) and Dom Toretto (do that willy again please) knows each other and what happened to Dom after Brian "accidently" let him go....

jiwa kelajuan

laju lagi dan laju... ni la sifat2 yang perlu ada pada seorang houseman yang cemerlang.. kene laju buat kerje.. lagi satu lagu kene layan..lagu ini aku dedikasikan kepada diriku sendiri bila aku berumur 40tahun nanti..ngeh ngeh....