today is my last day in paed surgical ward. i am not sad neither happy. because i know that the other side of the road is just similar to the one i am having now. either way, i still going to suffer for a period of time. hopefully. anyway, i do feel sad to leave some of people i know. like my little "kawan" who keep me entertained with his cuteness, laughter and smile. his naughty acts. his charms. yes. when i told all these to KP, she will screams, " YOU ARE A PHEDOPHILIA!!!" what if i am. no such grown up, mature, rasional man even close to what my little "kawan" has. maybe they have normal man's "birdy" because my little kawan is a hypospadias kid. a very cheerful hypospadias. every morning, he will greet me. everytime i do review to other patient, he will smile and ask me how am i doing. and before i left the ward he will waves me goodbye and say "jumpa lagi besok" (see you again tomorrow). i told him that today is my last day h...