The one with the Farewell

Finally i wave goodbye to Kuching

2 years of housemanship
1year plus in district
3years in surgical department

banyak pahit manis payau masam masin memories kat kuching ni. In term of work, relationship, dan emosi diri sendiri.
Kesimpulannya...Kuching memang the best!!

Surgeons memang awesome. Especially Mr Nik Azim. Seorang yg humble and holistic in treating his patients. Setakat ni, dialah HOD and surgeon paling baik aku pernah work with.
" Due to many factors; family la, since incident arwah azri, since kapit incident, semua sum up to, buat apa nak buat baik kat orang. diri sendiri and family pun tak terbela. so masa tu i lost confident in humanity in general and being a surgeon is no longer my priority. at that time it was family, travel, photo and work. hampir2 nak hantar borang balik semenanjung and ready to work kat KK mana2. But atas nasihat Mr Tee yang visited kapit masa tu, then i decided to come back to Kuching. It was excited in the beginning, but then i become demotivated with the work environment sebab Mr Mark. I imagine that what if i will once become like him. what is the point of being a surgeon then. and at that time, my grandma had a stroke and i still worried about ibu at home, so again, i decided to forget it and come back to semenanjung. I went to see Mr Nik to sign my form but of course he was a bit reluctant. instead he put me in HPB team under him. I work with him for a year and it changed my work attitude and passion just instantly. despite busy and hectic life, i totally enjoyed every single moment. I could feel the satisfaction of reviewing and taking care of patients. I suddenly remember the feeling when i first started housemanship. The passion that keeps me moving on. With mr nik's guidance, not only academically but also spiritually, I think being a surgeon is the only thing i can think of at that time. After couple of drinks and a long chat, i decided to try again. When he gave me the chance to perform surgery and he trusted me to do not only once but twice open cholecystectomy, then i believe i can do this. It gonna be tough but it is possible"
The rest of the surgeons are totally inspiring. Mr Shehab Phung - I totally lucky to have work with him especially when assissting robotic surgery with him. Despite being a very inexperience MO but he still patiencely bare with my lack of skills and taught me a lot too. To all the female surgeons in the department whom I totally look up too. Miss Rokayah, Miss Ashrina, Miss Adibah, Miss Aini, Miss Kharlina, Miss Tee. Being a woman and become a surgeon, it is already a tough journey to embark on. On top of that, by having family and kids and you still manage to complete the system, that's really need a standing ovation and a medal.
Mr WongCM despite his long hours of rounds, he still had taught me alot. Nice boss to work with too.
I have great colleague, the one i will truely missed like Nisa aka my travel buddy, mr president sentil, kak suzita who always play games and muching keropok with me in clinic, susan wendy who has been the kindest person in the world. the rest of junior colleagues who passionate enough in surgery and hope to see them embarking the same journey as me.

i have great nurses - all DCOT nurses, kak lot, kak dot, kak ton, kak lily, kak senah, kak tu, kak feridzah, chris, kakchang, anne, prof alice, kak zizi and sis betty...they made work in minor ot and ercp and scope rooms more fun and less stressful. love you all.
i have great nurses in the ward who can work as good as or even better than some of my housemen.. dayang rajemah, prof betty eliza, suhaini, sandra, anake,
geng teman makan kat SOPD, kak soria next, kak mas, kak dayang X2, kak sylvia.

to that i truely thank you

thanks to the great company that i had in Kuching
Terima kasih waterfront yg mmg best dan akan dirindui
Terima Kasih

Hope to come back to Kuching again soon. Till next time!


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