I had one of the weirdest dream last night. I was at a beach walking along the waterline, and I saw him. His back. He was too walking along with his Tshirt and 3quarter pants. I could tell that I was really happy to see him even only his back. My heart pounded really fast. I made my walk a little faster so that I could catch up on him. He noticed and turned around and suddenly he was on a wheelchair look really sick. Like really cachexic and pale. I stopped. Horrified. Not only to see him like that but the scary thing was then I noticed that both my legs were amputated up to the knee level. When I turned back to him, he was gone. I saw a miniture size of him who is running away in front of me. Weird. But these are few of my dreams that scares hell out of me. I woke up this morning quickly feel my limbs. Thank God they still intact. Same goes with another dream that I had long time ago. I had been chased by a group of ghouls and I ran as hard as I can to get away from them. When I woke ...